Desplaçaments voluntaris (i un espai comú)

Martí Aguilar
Narcís Farriols
Carla Gibert
Juliana Hoyos 
From 1 March to 21 April 2023
Inauguration: 1 March at 7 pm
Felícia Fuster Foundation
C/ Camps i Fabrés, 3-11, Bass, 08006 - Barcelona
The exhibition " Voluntary Movements (and a Common Space)", presented at the Fuster Foundation, consists of works by Martí Aguilar, Narcís Farriols, Carla Gibert and Juliana Hoyos, who graduated recently in fine arts (2021/2022).
This title functions as a statement of intent, and it is inferred from a complexity generated by the multiple interpretations that are detected and that we will also find in the exhibition. Furthermore, if we ask ourselves what these movements mentioned in the title are, they inevitably refer us, on the one hand, to the exposed works which, from some objects, materials or images, in a way upset the perception of reality. On the other hand, they also show us a dear and constantly relocated position in relation to the corresponding creative processes and therefore mark the changing location of the artists themselves in the world.
If we briefly stop to think about the idea of a common space, it inevitably leads us to the same exhibition space as the Foundation, which, this time, is taking advantage of as an environment to relate works and gestures made from privacy. However, this common area also brings us to the academic field and, in particular, to the shared path in the research carried out in the final bachelor's degree work, from which all these proposals have been nurtured and condensed.
In particular, Martin Aguilar's work focuses on resigning everyday life through small actions in our environment, from a particular and genuine point of view. For its part, Narcís Farriols interferes with the exhibition space from the installation of a suspended structure, made through articulated segments produced with precarious materials. As for Carla Gibert, it distorts the usefulness and function of a universal food, bread, to reuse and load it from other meanings. Finally, Juliana Hoyos reflects on the representation, with fictional images made with photographic techniques and with a sound piece, in order to generate mental shifts through the sensory experiences lived in the exhibition space.
The continued collaboration between the Felícia Fuster Foundation and the GIDC "Art, profession and teaching", of the University of Barcelona, becomes a valuable learning experience for those whose goal is to develop an artistic work, because it offers the possibility of living through the entire process of designing, montage, exhibition and disseminating an exhibition. The project also promotes professionalization and gives visibility to work that is often left unpublished within the faculty workshops. In addition, the exhibition is an excellent framework for sharing the experience and showing the doubts and wisdoms of the creative process among equals, through the visits made by the same artists to students from different courses of the Bachelor of Fine Arts.
Organize and coordinate: GIDC «Art, professió i docència».
Teacher Team: Jordi Morell, Òscar Padilla, Marta Negre, Joaquim Cantalozella
Supported by: Fundació Felícia Fuster, Departament d’Arts Visuals i Disseny (UB), Programa de Recerca, Millora i Innovació en la Docència i l’Aprenentatge (RIMDA) (UB).
Photography: Laurel Tahust / Opening of the group exhibition «Desplaçaments voluntaris (i un espai comú)» 2023, Fundació Felicia Fuster, Barcelona, Spain. 
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